Session 5
If Sinners Entice You, Do Not Consent
From Life Hacks
My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent. - Proverbs 1:10
It’s not always easy to follow Jesus. Even if you want to follow Jesus all kinds of distractions can seem to get in the way. Homework, sports, your phone. It’s difficult enough to make following Jesus a daily priority. Having friends that don’t help you follow Jesus, makes it that much harder.
Often in life we will be faced with this decision: follow Jesus, or follow along. You’ve probably already been in this kind of situation before. Your friend has an idea or suggests doing something that is clearly wrong and not what Jesus would want you to do, and now you’ve got a choice to make.
God says when you find yourself in this situation don’t go along with it! Even though it might (probably will) be weird in the moment, it’s worth it to follow Jesus instead of following along. The Bible says that people who plan to do what is wrong are actually planning their own demise. It actually robs them of really living life.
Don’t rob yourself of the life that God has for you simply by giving in to people looking for somebody else to what is wrong with them. Who knows, you might actually convince them to follow Jesus when they see your boldness to do what is right.
1) Take a moment to reflect on decisions you’ve made to follow along instead of follow Jesus. What could be different if you decided to do what’s right?
2) Ask God to give you the courage and boldness to follow him no matter what life throws your way.
3) Take time to think about what friendships you might need to change because of the negative impact they have on your life.