money debt parenting college
Few milestones reveal what our kids understand about money more than when they go off to college for the first time or earn that first pa...
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freedom marriage money peace debt purpose
Drew and Beth Goldie made a debt-free commitment early in their marriage, and their faith and discipline paid off in freedom and generosity.
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discipline money provision generosity debt tithing goals
Jeremy Barber realized his actions needed to match his wife's dreams to be a stay-at-home mom.
money debt self control
Have you ever made a purchase that you believed was a great idea at the time only to dread having made the purchase later? That reg...
money provision debt tithing goals
Financial coaching was key for single mom Elizabeth Parker to realize her dream of buying her own home.
money provision debt tithing
Tithing was Roshanda Fuller’s first step toward taking responsibility for her finances and living in financial freedom.
money debt responsibility culture
Selection Sunday is the day the teams competing in the NCAA Division I men's basketball tournament are revealed. As the coverage star...
money debt
Debt is common but it doesn’t need to be certain. Living in debt is being controlled by money rather than having control over it. ...
marriage money debt
I didn’t trust my husband anymore. More anxious and fearful than I’d ever been—I was also angry. It wasn’t just f...
hope money debt
Financial failures aren’t fatal. You can come back from wherever you’re coming from.The reason for your financial setback may...
money generosity debt
Think winning the lottery would solve your problems? Consider this: The majority of people who win the lottery are in more debt after th...
trust marriage money debt
Mark and Shawna Asbell faced a mountain of debt and a looming bankruptcy, and it was just what their marriage needed ...
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